Senin, 23 November 2015

5 Kebaya Encim

There are 5 "Kebaya Encim" in good condition, size M., for the size of: arm length (Panjang Lengan) 53cm. Shoulder width (Lebar Pundak per sisi) 12cm, Hip size (Lingkar pinggang) 77cm. Open "som" (sum terbuka). All are antique clothes, worthy collectibles item. Free shipping for Indonesian buyers with mentioned price..

Rp. 450.000 SOLD

Rp. 450.000 SOLD

Rp. 600.000 (SOLD)

Rp. 600.000 (SOLD)

Rp. 450.000 SOLD

Untuk harga semuanya, Rp. 2.550.000 FREE Ongkos KIRIM.

Kebaya Encim 5

There is a  "Kebaya Encim" in good condition, size M., for the size of: arm length (Panjang Lengan) 53cm. Shoulder width (Lebar Pundak per sisi) 12cm, Hip size (Lingkar pinggang) 77cm. Open "som" (sum terbuka). It is an antique clothes, worthy collectible item. Shipping excluded.

 Rp. 450.000
Belum termasuk ONGKIR


Kebaya Encim 3

There is a  "Kebaya Encim" in good condition, size M., for the size of: arm length (Panjang Lengan) 53cm. Shoulder width (Lebar Pundak per sisi) 12cm, Hip size (Lingkar pinggang) 77cm. Open "som" (sum terbuka). It is an antique clothes, worthy collectible item. Shipping excluded.

Rp. 600.000 (SOLD)
Belum Ongkir 

Minggu, 22 November 2015

kebaya encim 4

There is a  "Kebaya Encim" in good condition, size M., for the size of: arm length (Panjang Lengan) 53cm. Shoulder width (Lebar Pundak per sisi) 12cm, Hip size (Lingkar pinggang) 77cm. Open "som" (sum terbuka). It is an antique clothes, worthy collectible item. Shipping excluded.

Rp. 450.000 
(Harga belum ONGKIR)


kebaya Encim 2

There is a  "Kebaya Encim" in good condition, size M., for the size of: arm length (Panjang Lengan) 53cm. Shoulder width (Lebar Pundak per sisi) 12cm, Hip size (Lingkar pinggang) 77cm. Open "som" (sum terbuka). It is an antique clothes, worthy collectible item. Shipping excluded.

Rp. 450.000 
(Harga belum ONGKIR)


kebaya Encim 1

There is a  "Kebaya Encim" in good condition, size M., for the size of: arm length (Panjang Lengan) 53cm. Shoulder width (Lebar Pundak per sisi) 12cm, Hip size (Lingkar pinggang) 77cm. Open "som" (sum terbuka). It is an antique clothes, worthy collectible item. Shipping excluded.

Rp. 600.000  SOLD
(Harga belum ONGKIR)

Sumpit Antik : TULANG IKAN

Ada 18 pasang sumpit antik jaman dahulu kala dari TULANG IKAN. Sudah di test, dibakar sedikit aroma ikan begitu tajam.
Panjang 27cm. Diameter batang sumpit 0,5cm.
Barang jarang pake pada masa itu..cuma disimpan.


Rp. 150.000 per pasang untuk harga borongan 
(belum Ongkir) SOLD
Kolektor sejati barang beginian silahkan masuk. Pembeli serius Ga NEGO. Maaf yang NEGO, mending jangan ..buang2 pulsa..